Bret Weinstein articulates the tactics used by social justice movement to achieve institutional power in this vid
Interested in hearing counterpoints
Summary of his thoughts👇
SJ has achieved immunity to inquiry
& Yet it has built a home in the institution that you'd think is the safe haven for inquiry: universities
While also not explicitly defining them so ppl are violating by default, & dunno how to comply even if they want to
It used to ~mean same legal treatment. Now it means same economic outcome(to make up for previous inequality)
We call it equality of "opportunity", but it's impossible to entangle from "outcome"
Once obvious legal inequalities were rooted out (tho not all), inequalities of outcomes remained, so "equality of opportunity" rebranded to include more (see evolution of ACLU)…
At extreme, it implies a zero-sum world where positive outcomes are at the expense of others vs created
& everyone's an oppressor:
Oppression is in the eye of the beholder—as long as they're not oppressors themselves
By prioritizing specific anecdotes over dispassionate population analysis, it could make it harder to address systemic discrimination
The idea that one's identity is relevant to the truth of their belief.
This elevates certain groups over other groups relative to their standing in the progressive stack…
When you're defending yourself, you can justify any attack
But if you are above the oppressor/oppressed line, then you are violating by default & any defense is an attack
Full Van Jones quote:
Equating conflict w/ abuse:…
Every form of social progress from civil rights to women’s rights to gay rights was made possible by free speech, which enabled a (great) change of hearts&minds
He claims that libertarian right (gov't out of economy) & left (gov't out of social engineering) have enough in common they should merge against the authoritarian left & right.
No substitute for hard work
/Not analyzing the underlying claims here as much as trying to describe how social justice has been unstoppable last 10 yrs
COVID's effects still TBD
The movement also decentralized so it isn't top down as much as it is emergent (which is more impressive)
Threading that needle is how we solve the culture war.