- What could it look like?
- How could it be staffed?
- How could it be implemented?
@MSKReform & partners have been pondering these Qs for the last few weeks so here’s an overview for your consideration! THREAD 1/
Full text: mskreform.org.uk/nightingalereh…
@alicecamurray, @ClareGerada & Dr J Morris make the case in this brilliant @HSJnews article: hsj.co.uk/commissioning/…
They also lay out their take on what it could look like, much of which I agree with so we were delighted to read this timely piece! 2/
REHAB IS A GREAT UNIFIER (as was proposed in policy Ex3 of the @MSKReform manifesto 😉) 3/
i) Hospital rehab wards
ii) Community rehab facilities
iii) Domiciliary care
iv) Remote services
The more integrated the model, the smoother the step-up and step down transitions. 4/
Use MSK, community, neuro rehab staff whose work has been changed most. Recruit other MSK Therapists from the private sector if they are Ev-informed and rehab-focussed (Sports Rehab & therapy, Osteos, Pods, Chiros) 6/
Read more and sign up at: MSKReform.org.uk/RehabRecruits 7/
Upskill based on declared training needs and on Ax of previous role. 8/
If links could be made to the recent #RightToRehab lobbying efforts perhaps momentum could build?🤞9/
Why not link post-covid rehab with the care of those whose needs have not been met due to system disruption?
This also takes the opportunity for services to return to their prior function, if not improved, far quicker than a COVID specific pathway. 10/
Is it feasible? 🤷♂️
Is there the political will? 🤷♂️
Can we shelf the inter-prof tribalism? 🤷♂️
Would LOVE to hear your thoughts!
Thanks to @rachaelmoses, @jo_khir, @alicecamurray, @_JoeMiddleton & @ScottBuxton_1 for informing my ponderings on this 👊/END