• Truly enact Defense Production Act and mandate 30 companies to manufacture Testing Products 24/7. 30 companies manufacture PPE. 30 manufacturing ventilators. Workforce hiring from the ranks of the unemployed.
• All excess goes to National stockpile
•Mass testing to identify clusters of infection, heightening spefic quarantine and contact tracing
• Those testing negative- given identification that allows for access to limited events: sports concerts museum with limitations to still practice distancing
•Prepare the country for the New Normal that will last until treatment & vaccine are developed in Spring of 2021.• I would prepare the country for a more viral existence until then.•I would marshall the tech companies to improve the internet infrastructure
• I would ask Silicon Valley to insure every school aged child has a laptop for school.
• I would promote the idea of every child learning how to code in elementary school.
•With mass testing, a qualifying event would be STEM classes for kids (televised)
• I would negotiate with Congress the Bipartisan Infastructure Bill between now and the election. Mutually beneficial. When the country opens up millions go to work. 5 trillion or 20% of GDP ( whichever is higher this year).
•AmeriCorp would become the delivery corps for the country. Providing smaller restaurants, cafes, boutiques, hardware stores with a delivery workforce supplementing the private companies now. A public option. Everything’s delivered in a viral economy
•I’d direct my Labor Secretary to tie first source hiring of unemployed for any companies that receive funding from the recently passed CARES ACT. Payroll Protection Program protects the employees presently at the company, while the economic injury hires new
•I would direct my Interior Secretary to promote a 24 hour Livestream from the National Parks of America & a Livestream Concert fro the National Park of Jazz in New Orleans (most people don’t know JAZZ is the only National Park that isn’t a place, but art)
• I would direct the National Endowment for the Arts to present a broadcast every night: a solo musical performance at the Lincoln Memorial. An actor performing a monologue from the Shakespeare theater.Our National Poet Laureate reading from the Smithsonian