How UBI works (in short):
So to start, an explanation ot the flow of currency: many people don't fully understand the flow of currency and how it actually moves in an economy...
The goal is deliberate deception.
Additionally, when we print more, the value hypothetically goes down, unless the perceived value..
So when people talk about cost in a
1) we divert funds already in the economy towards the bailout.
2)We get a loan (say, from China or the IMF)
3) We print more.
Now I can't control very much about where my blood goes, but our bodies are designed to make sure that it goes where its needed, when it's needed...
But our economic system can do things our body can't: control where the blood goes.
But all of this capacity for decision making means we often don't put money where it's needed. Money tends to accumulate with those who have the power to keep it.
So, now that we get that money isn't burned up, but is part of a moving system, a system which can dilute its blood, enrich it, which can divert it (for better or worse) and which can control the ways it chooses to divert it..
The heart represents the government, the channel through which our currency is pulled from and pumped into our body. Our limbs are the working class..
What I need is an efficient system of distribution!
If the poor are starving, we divert taxes into food stamps.
But our system has an illness..
Today, over 90% of wealth in America is in the hands of the top 10%. You could say all that money has gone to our head.
*UBI Explained* UBI is an efficient system that diverts resources directly & evenly to the entire body.
UBI is something else, too: an investment. All investments come with risk and reward..
There are lots of groups and economics experts who study things like food stamps, UBI, tax cuts for the various income levels, and all manner of things.
The reason is simple: when poor people get more money, they spend it all. Because they don't make enough to live. The rich don't.
UBI, like food stamps and welfare, diverts funds from areas of accumulated wealth & sends it where it's needed.
For example, food stamps are very efficient because the money is targeted and goes exactly where it's needed. But the drawback is it requires oversight, so it loses some efficiency to pay for that oversight.
While being similarly efficient to other systems of distribution, UBI risen a universal method of making sure everyone has the money they need.
So... yes that was a lot. But macroeconomic isn't a walk in the park.
The sooner we can build programs like UBI into our economy, the sooner we can rebuild the American dream.