Earlier today I was sent these images about a male-only group on Facebook called “Melb guys pal”.
The boys and men in this group are sharing explicit videos and pictures of their female exes, without their consent.
Another has encouraged the group members to ‘like’ his post so he can share more explicit images of his ex-partner.
The group is littered with examples of rampant misogyny, sexism and degradation of women.
Sexism and misogyny is never OK. Not just because we are in a global pandemic of a novel #coronavirus, but all the time.
1. Learn to listen and become a friend to women and demand better of yourself and other men; or,
2. Stay quiet as other men behave in this way in a world where women are harmed globally for simply existing.
This group is a reminder that we have a long way to go to changing a culture that has, for too long now, condoned and minimised violence against women.