it is not those who know the mark of the beast that will not take it, just as it was not those who could identify the image of Nebuchadnezzar that did not bow to it. It is those who love the Lord with all their heart
One thing I feel certain of is this: those who will take the mark will not know that is what they took or when they took it, and those who will refuse to take the mark will also not know they are fulfilling that prophecy.
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Whether the mark is a brand-mark, a barcode, a microchip or a spiritual mark in the soul, the fact remains that it must be taken consciously, possibly under duress, but it must be accepted as part of a lifestyle of worship of the beast.
To take it on the forehead is to outright deny the Lord, and to take it on the hand is to appear like a Christian but to do everything the structure of the anti-Christ would dictate.
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Let me simply say that as long as we are aggressive in preaching Christ, we live in unity as a body (not walled-off denominations) and we live righteously as the light of the world, he cannot manifest.
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An important point we must bear in mind is that technology is neutral—absolutely neutral. It is what each makes of it that is the issue.
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As a matter of fact, you cannot fight technological advancement because you are trying to stop the antichrist. It is futile. If history is anything to go by, it is neither necessary nor would you succeed in the
It is apostasy, not advanced technology, that promotes the manifestation of the man of sin. It is apostasy—not technology.
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One of the things that have been consistent with our evolution alongside that of technology is that we have always gotten over d shock of the new technology, learnt to use it, and eventually taken advantage of it in many areas including in advancing the gospel.
God may not be willing to give someone up, but He allows anyone to walk away if they so choose. He is not happy or willing about it, but salvation is not by force. Remaining in Christ is a choice, and many have chosen to leave Him.