Paradoxically, the group who proves they have less power actually has more power, since they gain moral authority in the eyes of the masses.
Core to both of their stories is that they are the underdogs.
Technologists see themselves as the building the technologies saving the world—After all, it’s time to build!
Journalists see themselves as watchdogs holding tech companies accountable for negative externalities of their creations
In their view this is just them trying to avoid accountability for their creations and scape goat them.
And very influential with all seeing gov't, whom they don’t investigate (gov't, not president)
Post social media, that monopoly has eroded, paving the way for citizen journalists.
Who should society revere more?
Those who speak truth to power or those who use their powers to discover truth & make new things?
What do I think? Both but:…
It's too easy to criticize without building, and we should protect against those natural instincts—to blame, to envy, to scapegoat, & do nothing but make it harder for the ppl who are making progress to do so