A thread on Taurus in astrology from the Islamic world-
Those born under its sign are said to be of good judgement, lustful, and fond of food. They usually have thick lips, pleasant voices, and small families
Venus, often described as Taurus’ Lord, is depicted as a beautiful lute-player.
Lifespan was divided up in the zodiac with Taurus linked to childhood and Spring.
The correspondence of the body and diseases to the zodiac show an interesting way in which astrology and medicine intersect in pre-modern healing.
It is also associated with large domesticated animals.
The goal was diagnosis and prognostication.
Taurus therefore was one of the “fortunate” signs indicating a good life in the chart.
One famous formula for love says to craft a talisman of wax or bronze when there is a favorable ascendant and the Moon and Venus are in Taurus.
These talismans were usually accompanied with invocations of the angels, jinn, and spirits of the planets and zodiac and burning corresponding incenses
The polymath, calendarist, and epicurean poet Omar Khayyam was also a Taurus.
Courtly culture simultaneously saw horoscopes as a practical way to consult the stars on material matters, but also as a sign of prestige
The study of the history of astrology is of particular interest for historians of science and religion