Misinformation about COVID-19 is dangerous. By exposing people who have been wrong in the past, we might avoid similar errors in the future. For this reason, I try to post more bad takes from politicians and influential commentators.
This account is inspired by @BadLegalTakes, which uses screenshots, and for good reasons. People delete tweets. I don’t want to give klout to big accounts that spread misinformation, and I don’t want folks to mob small accounts.
I am very careful with sourcing takes, so I completely understand your skepticism! To help keep everything verifiable, I have posted a log of the featured bad takes. I will try to update the log each day. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
YES! Either tag me in response to a bad take on Twitter, or send me a DM *with a link* to the take. I need to verify any screenshots anyway, so just send me the link.
Use the site archive.today, which will save the bad take for posterity. If it's a twitter take more than a day old, the Internet Archive will probably get it, so just send a link.
When someone says or predicts something about COVID-19 that turns out to be clearly wrong. Pure policy opinions ("the economy should reopen") are outside the scope of this account, and so are trolling or unsourced takes (so no random flyers).
I save some takes until they pass milestones/anniversaries. I also wait until bad takes are clearly busted. Other times, in my own whimsical, tyrannical judgment, I just don’t post a take. Thank you for all submissions though!
I will not post more than one bad take from the same person within ten. Only one person continually provides that much material, and I’ve confined his takes to one thread, so you can mute them if you’ve had enough.
I set up this account because some commentators were repeatedly, dangerously wrong, and so you will see a lot of the same names come up again and again. I think it’s important to hold false prophets accountable.
I do and I have. (Check the log!) There just aren’t that many to go around compared to the bad takes posted every day by those who continue to insist that the disease is NBD.
Most over-estimates were based on scenarios that didn’t occur—where absolutely no mitigation happened at all. These are untestable. Even in Sweden, theater attendance dropped 99%. boxofficemojo.com/weekend/by-yea…
I mute takes after I post them so that my mentions are still sort of useful. If you think I messed up on a post somehow, please DM me. We all make bad takes sometimes.
An attorney with no specialized knowledge, who likes to make spreadsheets and scrape twitter, @frankbednarz. COVID-19 misinformation upset me enough to write an article about it, which addresses many of the errors you see on this feed. arcdigital.media/debunking-coro…
I’m a squishy libertarian-conservative & I try to keep partisan politics out of my feed. I post bad takes by people of all ideologies & political parties. I sincerely hope all political officials execute wise policy right now.