m.economictimes.com/mf/mf-news/seb… (4/n)
Sanjay Sapre-
- Six funds voluntary wound down
- This was only way and the most difficult choice
- COVID has led to significant reduced liquidity in debt markets
- and also higher redemptions
(Courtesy @NagpalManoj)
- all other funds are safe
- margin safety is high
- equities are at cheap valuation
- people should continue investing in it (9/n)
- it is in best interest of customers
- financial market depends on economic conditions
- it all started with covid issues
- we have seen many bad cycles and came through
- current situation is bigger problem as we don't know when we will plan out of it.
- risk appetite has been degraded
- liquidity in system, increasing in buying are required, rbi has to help
- untill it comes back, we can not function normally
- RBI is taking measures but insufficient
- for success economy has to be improved (11/n)
- its tough to sell enough so we have to borrow
- but this will sustain only if know how many days it will continue
- otherwise it will continue increasing risk
- either we can wait or have to stop (12/n)
- or we have to sell maturity
- we shall keep selling the papers
- we don't want to sell in hurry
- we have taken this measure so that we can sell in orderly manner when market normalise (13/n)
- we are waiting for normalisation of market
- in short term funds, money will come faster due to short term maturity #franklintempleton
#MutualFundsSahiHai ? (14/n)
- Call is being recorded and will be made available shortly.
#FranklinMF #FranklinTempleton (15/n)
- Liquidity will arise after unlocking
- cont of fund was impacting investors due to cont. borrowing and sell on bad value
- We will return AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
- this is outcome of protecting value for the investors who wanted to remain invested (16/n)
- We r committed to the business
- we have always generated huge values 4 investors
- we have long term good record
- purpose of winding up is generating maximum value for inv.
- several different investment teams are working independently #FranklinPaisaVapasDo
- We didn't have visibility about impact of COVID
- In this time frame, we were unable to deal with uncertainty
- moratorium was given to so many borrowers/landers
- many borrowers used #ForceMajeure clause
- this created mismatch (18/n)
- Equity schemes will be on consistent track
- High credit fund will also be on good track
- team is very experienced
- We recognize pain of investors (19/n)
#mutualfund #FranklinMF #FranklinTempleton #FranklinConference
- we shall deal with borrowings
- there will be monthly payments as when cash is realized
- we want to ignore stress selling of holdings
- we remain committed to business in India
#mutualfund #FranklinMF #FranklinTempleton #FranklinConference

#mutualfunds #FranklinTempleton #mutualfundsahihai ? (22/n)
#mutualfunds #FranklinTempleton (23/n)
Morningstar suspends ratings of 4 Franklin mutual funds with immediate effect. 😂 #mutualfunds in