It was a bumper sticker in the 80's, but you pay a LOT more than just your Social Security, Federal and State income taxes.
Here is a list of......
94 (!!!!!!!!) other taxes that you pay.
Be prepared to read it and cry.
2. Here are the 97 taxes in the US tax code:
Air Transportation Taxes
Biodiesel Fuel Taxes
Building Permit Taxes
Business Registration Fees
Capital Gains Taxes
Cigarette Taxes
Court Fines
Disposal Fees
Dog License Taxes
Drivers License Fees
3. Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax
Employer Medicare Taxes
Employer Social Security Taxes
Environmental Fees
Estate Taxes
Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
Federal Corporate Taxes
Federal Income Taxes
Federal Unemployment Taxes
1. Where I would invest $10,000 (or some number close to that) right now.
So the markets are starting to come back somewhat, so where, exactly, would I invest $10,000 right now (or $5,000 or $15,000....some number that is decent but not like $50,000)
Here is what I would do:
2. If I had ANY money in traditional IRA's or SEP plans or old 401ks, I would figure out EXACTLY how much I could transfer to a ROTH and use my $10,000 to pay the taxes due and get them over with.
For instance, if I was in the 22% tax bracket, and 6% state, that's 28% total.
3. $10,000 would pay the tax due if I converted $35,714 of my tradtional IRA to a ROTH IRA.
Now that $35,714 gets to grow tax-free for the rest of my life AND 10 years after I'm dead.