He was looking almost white because his blood level was very low, unconscious and had a swollen belly
He had convulsions, a severe kind of malaria. I was shocked that Malaria we underrate could do that to a person
Babies, Children, and older people suffer the most from Malaria. Where do we start from? Why haven't we eradicated it yet
Who is to blame? Zero Malaria starts with You and me
But we still have a lot of work to do. You and I have to play our parts in making sure this happens
You may not understand it because to you, "na just fever"
We grew up "flitting" our homes and someone said the mosquitoes now have odeshii against insecticides. Well @MorteinNG have a new formula that can help kill them better
We are not in the rainy season yet, so this is an excellent time to repair your windows and plug the holes in them.
Clear bushes around your house
Use insecticide-treated nets, a lot of people complain that it gets hot. Use AC if you can
Malaria wrecks havoc o!!!! I am shouting because I have seen it.
Use insecticides, I personally recommend @MorteinNG. Works for me well
Take it serious. Malaria is no joke.
Join #MorteinAgainstMalaria and eradicate it with your own actions.