Why are you going out son?
Why aren’t you interested in school?
Why do you like that girl - I needed a reason
Reasons became excuses. Because no reasonable person does anything without a reason
Can you go outside for a walk for hours without a reason?
Without telling yourself or others:
-You need exercise
-You want to clear your head
-You want to get some sun
-Or some other reason
Reasons are a tool to keep you docile and in-line. They strip the warrior out of us and make us agreeable and amenable.
Diversity is classic ‘reasonableness’ argument
Reasonable people should embrace diversity, if not they are classed as racist, misogynist etc
What they won’t say, is by simply loving all people, diversity becomes a moot point
The Great Awakening is not a reason, it is a choice.
It is a call of love from within us to our fellow human beings. To walk in the light of God simply because we choose to.
It is for those who walk Truth to Light as an expression of their own divinity.
Not because it's important, or because that's what they have been told or that they think it will make them a better person
Instead we have been fooled into scrounging in the dust looking for a path to self-improvement so we can appease God.
God’s love will find its way to the hearts of us who do not need to rely on a reason for it being there.