Mass psychogenic illness involves the spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no viral or bacterial agent responsible for contagion. MPI is distinct from other types of collective delusions by involving physical symptoms.
Delusional Disorder
What Is It?
Delusional disorder is classified as a psychotic disorder, a disorder where a person has trouble recognizing reality. A delusion is a false belief that is based on an incorrect interpretation of reality.
What Is a Shared Psychotic Disorder?
A shared psychotic disorder is a rare type of mental illness in which a healthy person starts to take on the delusions of someone who has a psychotic disorder.
Are We Living In A Delusional Society?
"If delusions are accepted by the masses they become beliefs."
Delusional disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis..characterized by holding one or more non-bizarre delusions.…
“The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) defines six subtypes of the disorder; one type is grandiose (the believes that he/she is the greatest, strongest, fastest, most intelligent person ever)...”
“Is it delusional to distrust the FDA and pharmaceutical companies when we listen to the commercial on TV which describes the fatal side effects of the medication that they are advertising?”
“Are we living in a delusional society that is becoming the norm, which makes this type of thinking non delusional? Delusions are false judgments held with extraordinary conviction and subjective certainty, resistant to contrary experience and counter-argument...”
“A person with delusional disorder may be high functioning in daily life and may not exhibit odd or bizarre behavior aside from these delusions...”
“..Look at many of the politicians who are leading double lives, committing heinous crimes and when caught, they have beliefs to support their behaviors..”
“..Grandiose ideas are part of delusional thinking. These people believe that they are the greatest, strongest, or most intelligent ever..”
How Mass Hysteria Is Related to Groupthink
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a group forms a quick opinion that matches the group consensus, rather than critically evaluating the information.…
“Mass hysteria can be seen as an extreme example of groupthink.”
“.. Groupthink seems to occur most often when a respected or persuasive leader is present, inspiring members to agree with their opinion. Groupthink is sometimes positive but is more often seen in a negative light..”
“.. Janis identified eight symptoms of groupthink, including illusions of invulnerability, unquestioned beliefs, rationalizing, stereotyping, self-censorship, "mind guards," illusions of unanimity, and direct to pressure..”
Groupthink and Mass Hysteria
“..It's believed that groupthink increases as group cohesiveness increases, which may help explain the psychological phenomenon of mass hysteria..”
“..Also known as epidemic hysteria, mass psychogenic illness, and mass sociogenic illness..”
Opinion: Witches, McCarthy, Trump and the History of Mass Hysteria
“There are moments in society when many go mad. Not all — some are skeptics and resistant to collective hysteria...many in a community can collectively believe an illusion.”…

“.. To use a modern idiom, are we captives of the media and social media, unable to tell tweets from actual facts (assuming we can separate the “actual” from the “wishful” facts)?..”
Donald Trump—a modern day Joseph McCarthy
Trump’s hate mongering has become a national disease.…