- 1PM - 1AM
- 4AM - 4PM
- 4PM - 4AM
- 6AM - 6PM
- 8AM - 8PM
- 8PM - 8AM
- 11PM - 11AM
- 24 hours (only for previous volunteers)
Hours will depend on availability (if option is not in the form, the slot is taken)
Form will close once volunteers needed are accepted.
✨ Volunteer Form: bit.ly/FantasiaX-volu…
Available shifts (according to KST):
- 8pm-8am
- 4am-4pm
Once these shift are covered, the form will close
⚠️All of you who just applied, please check your DMs and answer as quickly as possible. If you do not answer in 30 minutes, your place will be given to someone else!
Please stay tuned for updates!