It was a frightening dispatch from a major meatpacker. But there's more to the story. 1/

We’re tracking U.S. plant closures and re-openings here: 2/
@JessTiaFu and @hclaire_brown explain why here: 3/

It might take stores longer than usual to restock certain products, due to supply chain disruptions. But we have many millions of pounds of meat in cold storage across the nation. 4/
These frozen stockpiles will make up for any lost processing capacity in the short term. 5/
There’s plenty of meat on hand that was headed to restaurants and commercial foodservice. It’ll take some time for meatpackers to convert bulk products into portion sizes the general public can work with. 8/

They may be struggling now, but they have the political, financial, and infrastructural resources they’ll need to survive.