This is giving valuable lessons on how to run a fossil-free electricity grid.
What are these lessons?
THREAD: 1/11
That's despite a 42% fall in Europe's coal gen & 30% fall in gas gen (chart).
Read EU's security briefing:…
@ENTSO_E's summer outlook out end-May

Coronavirus means they must postpone maintenance. This means they have announced to reduce output by 170TWh(!) to 2022 to save fuel.
This is a gifthorse to coal+gas🙄…
But innovation is happening!
For example, @octopus_energy dynamic tariff means people got paid to use electricity when wholesale prices went negative:
In April, they invented new "super-sel" contract, to reward plants this summer to operate at ultra-low output:
Hats off to @ng_eso for committing to be able to run the UK's national grid fossil-free by 2025.…

For example, @Draxnews Drax's hydro plants are providing inertia to keep the grid stable, which used to only be done by coal and gas plants:…
But with vastly lower coal+gas generation across the world right now due to coronavirus, we can all learn lots of lessons.
Full analysis here by @CoalFreeDave, with muchos input+thanks to @DrSimEvans:…