Sit back, grab your black coffee, and read on.
Throughout my life, I’ve had people doubt me, discourage me, tell me “i'm on my phone too much”
But no one really knows the reasons why I am the way I am
I didn’t always wear the nicest new clothes growing up
Cold showers every morning (NOT BY CHOICE), in -30 degree Canadian winters
My parents even lost our house at one point
But I was blessed to have food and a family, so I stuck it through, bc I knew the tough times couldn’t last
I was brewing up entrepreneurship before I even knew what it was...
Side note:
A vivid memory I have from my childhood with my mother...
But moving on, by this point with my consistency, at 16, I had figured out some ways to make money on twitter.
After we lost the house in 2014, my dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 2015.. so that year I fundraised $14,000 for ALS charity to help find a cure
All this ALS did was brew MORE motivation for me
If anyone could do it, IT WAS ME.
My family was dealt many rough hands in life, but i refused to let life have its way with me too
Especially ME.
But any other spare time I had, was spent learning, working out, growing, and trying to BE MORE at a young age
So I could afford to get my families name out of this (what seemed like forever) rut
No one really knew. No one took me seriously really.
Especially banks when I tried to open new business accounts at 18. Pricks.
“College is a waste of time and money”
Maybe for you....
I could afford to go to school and drive a nice car, so I did
I graduate in December 2020 actually!
-I came from nothing
-I helped pay my families bills growing up, most of the time without repayment to this day
-I worked a job before I was even legally allowed to work it
-I walked across town everyday to find internet
-I built a success biz by 19
-I went to and paid for university myself
-I lost my father at a young age DURING all of this
And you’re trying to sit here and tell me...
You need to ignite the FIRE in you that was lit in ME at a very early age.
Self belief is EVERYTHING in this world
I believed in myself from day 1.
I knew I had it in me to be somebody.
And I won’t stop until I see my father again someday and he says “damn fine job you did down there, son.”
/end story
Others go through way more than me. I’m not creating a competition here.
I don’t want your sympathy.
I want to inspire you.
Hard times create hard people
I wanted to share more about who I am, where I come from, and why I do what I do
You have no idea how far it will end up taking you in a short amount of time.
If you need help sparking your fire, pushing your boundaries, reaching your goals...
I’m the guy to help you.
If you're still here, thank you for taking the time to read this.❤️