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THE WACO SEIGE (Thread/Repost)

The Biggest Law Enforcement DISASTER in United States History

• Its the 1990s
• Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) has been pissing off everyone who ever lived, to the point new laws had to be passed to bring them back in line. Image
• The gov has their foot on ATF’s neck. Cuts their budget and is thinking about dissolving them entirely.
• ATF needs a way to remind everyone “WHY THEY NEED US!”

• In Waco, TX there is a kooky religious group called the Davidians, lead by David Koresh. Image
• They live in a compound on a hill called Mt. Carmel.
• They like guns and have their own range, sell stuff at gun shows, etc.
• One thing they sell is those “Complaint Dept. - Take a Number” novelties made from empty hand grenades. Image
• They buy lots of old surplus grenades (demilled) for making these.
• Texas ATF branch leader has an idea.
• He starts an investigation into the Davidians based on his own opinion that those evil, crazy right-wingers are probably stockpiling & refilling them with explosives. Image
• Instead of just snooping around or arresting anyone, the ATF decides to do a no-knock raid on the Davidians compound, while decked out in full militarized battle rattle in order to get on the 6 o’clock news.
• “Everyone will see us as heroes, & Congress won’t fire our asses!” Image
• A liberal judge grants them the warrant.
• ATF meets with the local sheriff who tells them that Koresh will just come down & answer any questions if they ASK.
• Even offers to arrest Koresh for them, peacefully, because he knows the guy. Image
• NO DEAL, ATF wants their big flashy raid!
• ATF brings everything & the kitchen sink, and actually *invites the media* to come film the raid live.
• Oops, OPSEC mishap. The Davidians’ mailman hears about the raid through the grapevine & warns the Davidians about it. Image
•ATF learns about this from the local PD. The raid is spoiled, but they decide to go through with it anyway because MUH PUBLIC RELATIONS OPPORTUNITY. Image
• ATF pulls up to the compound in cattle trailers. As they’re getting ready to storm the place, Koresh comes out the front door & welcomes them.
• Further down the line, ATF agents open fire on the Davidians’ guard dogs. Image
• Other agents think they’re being shot at, because they were told the Davidians are insane anti-government wackos & are on edge.
• They all open fire on Koresh. Wounded, he falls back inside.
• Davidians go “OH SHIT! They’re shooting at us!”
• Davidians shoot back. Image
• Massive firefight erupts. 4 ATF agents killed, many Davidians wounded.
• ATF runs out of ammo, calls for a ceasefire. Davidians, being generally nice guys, *LET THEM LEAVE* despite having them pinned down. Image
• ATF shits bricks all the way back to Washington. Calls in the FBI, State Police, you name it.
• They even lie to the DEA & tell them based on “anonymous reports” that the Davidians have a meth lab. Image
• This allows them to invoke the “War on Drugs” exception to Posse Comitatus to call in the National Guard.
• ATF comes back with a literal army, including National Guard tanks & helicopters. ImageImage
• The Davidians are spooked as hell, because ATF was apparently trying to crash their compound with no survivors & murder Koresh.
• The Davidians refuse to come out.
• ATF lays siege to the place & cuts their phone lines off from the rest of civilization. Image
• Siege drags on for weeks & weeks.
• The govt. starts spinning narratives about them to the press. Calls Koresh a child abuser & pedo.
• The (((media))) absolutely eats it all up. The Davidians are demonized in the news the entire time the siege is going on. Image
• Koresh comes to believe that the siege is part of his group’s end-times prophecy. Refuses to leave the compound.
• FBI steps in & regards the whole thing as a *hostage situation* because the Davidians won’t send the children out of the compound. Image
• “Send all the kids out into the waiting arms of the government army that just tried to kill us a few weeks ago? Great idea. Not.”
• FBI sets up sniper positions & more fortifications. Image
• Meanwhile, back at the White House, Hillary Clinton is pissed off.
• Siege is making them look bad & costs over a million dollars per week.
• She tells Attorney General Janet Reno to end it. Now. Bill Clinton backs her.
• Reno tells the FBI to deal with.
• “Tanks it is!” Image
• US Army M60 tanks are equipped with giant tear gas nozzles.
• The gas isn’t normal tear gas though. It’s CS - a fine, powdery, EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE mist used by the military.
• It’s fatal in high concentrations. Image
• The tanks move in & flatten all the compound outbuildings/a gravesite
• They punch holes in the compound walls & pour in tons of the gas.
• Nobody comes out.
• Suddenly, fires break out in three different corners of the compound.
• CS gas is extremely flammable, remember? Image
• A huge firestorm engulfs the entire building. Men, WOMEN, & CHILDREN horribly burn to death.
• The very few survivors claim they got met with a hail of gunfire as soon as they ran out of the burning building (Chris Dorner). Image
• When the fire eventually goes out, the FBI says the Davidians went crazed and immolated themselves.
• They produce a grainy audio tape claiming that it’s Davidian members talking about starting a fire. Image
• Official govt. position is “Davidians started the fire, all crazy, nothing to see here.”
• They throw the book at the few survivors (many of which just got released recently). Image
•Evidence begins to roll in.
• The children were kept in a basement bunker, thought to be the safest place in the building.
• But it was flooded with CS gas & the CHILDREN in the basement all suffocated horribly, some spasmed so hard they SNAPPED THEIR OWN SPINES. Image
•ATF agents take selfies at the burned down building, after ripping the American flag off the Davidians’ flagpole & putting an ATF flag on it. Image
• Leaks start coming out....
• Koresh’s mother had come to visit him a day before the tank attack.
• One of the ATF agents told her “I hope you told him goodbye!” as she left. Image
• Despite govt. claims that nobody fired a single shot at the Davidians, spent brass casings are found at various positions which contradict those claims.
• Feds move in 2 weeks after the siege & bulldoze the entire site, destroying all remaining evidence Image
• The refrigeration trailer holding all the burned bodies for autopsy is sabotaged & they all rot. Can’t prove if anyone died of gunshots or not

(not suspicious at all🙄) ImageImage
• Survivors claim that the bullet holes in the front door of the building are proof that the ATF fired first, which proves that the Davidians were acting in self defense.
• The door was taken as evidence, but “GOES MISSING” right before the trial, only to turn up years later. Image
• Video footage taken by the Davidians shows bullet holes coming down through the roof, contradicting govt. claims that no gunfire came from helicopters overhead
• “It’s inadmissible”, says the judge. Image
• No illegal weapons of any kind were found at the compound (the entire reason for the no-knock siege in the first place). Surviving Davidians on trial were innocent of the original charge.
• Most go to prison anyway, being blamed for the fire & deaths of 4 ATF agents. Image
Years later....
• A documentary crew gets access to the Waco evidence locker.
• Finds *INCENDIARY GRENADES* in baggies, mismarked as benign items.
• The bags are tagged according to where they were found in the wreckage.
• They were found WHERE THE FIRES WERE STARTED Image
• Serial #’s on the grenades show they belonged to the FBI.
• Retired DELTA-force operators admit that they were at Waco, “advising” the assault team. ImageImage
• Thermal camera footage shot from a helicopter during the raid shows muzzle flashes of gunfire, directed at Davidians trying to escape the burning building. ImageImage
• The Feds pumped the place full of flammable gas, & then shot incendiary grenades in the windows to burn the place to the ground.
• They tried to shoot at anyone who tried to escape, and then proceeded to DESTROY ALL THE EVIDENCE of these actions. Image
• The documentary team finds the “missing” front door in the evidence locker.
• Bullet holes match what the Davidians claimed.
• Janet Reno “apologizes”, but the official govt. story DOESN’T CHANGE. Instead of mostly harmless religious kooks, they’re continuously demonized. Image

So after 27 years, what can we take from the Waco siege?

• The Davidians, while non traditional in their beliefs (polygamy), were demonized in order to justify a massacre by the Feds over GUN CONTROL.
• Everyone living in the compound were there by their own free will Image
• David Koresh did marry a bride as young as 14(!), which is WRONG & illegal. He should have been investigated & arrested, not violently confronted with militarized forces.
(De-escalation vs. Escalation)
(Police vs. Military) Image
• A total of 82 Davidians were killed & 4 rank-&-file ATF agents (all great people just doing their jobs) were killed NEEDLESSLY due to PISS POOR LEADERSHIP & malfeasance on behalf of incompetent “leaders” (Janet Reno, Texas Branch ATF Lead, the Clintons, etc.) Image
• (((Media))) Propaganda Effect:
People still, to this day, think the Davidians killed themselves, their own children, & murdered Federal agents because they’re told FROM MEDIA & POP CULTURE that the Davidians were an “evil, gun-thumping, wacko cult, that abused children”. Image
• Just because it’s the government is doing it, doesn’t mean it’s right. They broke every rule during Waco & then proceeded to try to lie & destroy evidence to cover their own asses. Justifying a civilian massacre is SHAMEFUL & we must never let them get away with these things Image
• Incidents like this should never ever happen in the United States of America. We have the 1st (Freedom of Religion) & 2nd Amendments (Bear Arms) for a reason

Overstepping Fed. agencies & infringements of rights lead to massacres & wars if people are willing to die for them Image
In Waco 1993, a dark period, Americans on both sides of the conflict were treated like pawns on a chessboard

RIP to all the men on both sides, & especially to the women & children who died terrified, who were 100% needlessly massacred due to the actions of bad people in POWER. Image

🇺🇸 🌅 Image
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