Lawmakers wrote the emergency legislation under tremendous pressure and no doubt with the best intentions. But we all know which roads good intentions pave, and, in doing so, they radically liberalised the death system, for example removing strict -
It was this very requirement of independent corroboration which led a GP from Stockport, Linda Reynolds -
The government made the changes to free up doctors for clinical duties, to help them cope with added workload expected from excess deaths, and to reduce delays to funerals. In sum:
* Ministers suspended the double-lock safeguard (which I referred to above) for doctors sending bodies for cremation. Normally, after first filling in an MCCD form (of which more shortly), a doctor completes an application for cremation (Form 4.), then -
Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD - Issued by a doctor after a person has died; needed to release a body to family for burial. or cremation.)
* If the attending doctor (the one that saw the patient in his or her final illness) is unavailable, *any registered -
* If no doctor sees the patient within 28 days before death, *any registered doctor* can certify their death, as long as "they can state the cause of -
NB Before a doctor fills out an application for cremation (Form 4.), he or she first fills out an MCCD, and these changes apply there, too: this means even less scrutiny of cremations than
Why should anyone care?
These rules and safeguards were put in place to protect vulnerable people and ensure that data taken from death records to do things like help shape health policy are accurate.
Doctors have a duty of care to to their -
Many doctors are off -
Looking at it cynically, the really dark
Thank you
Ronan Maher