AST 11,000, ALT 8000, Tbili 7 (direct bili 5), Alk phos 230, INR 4.35 (not on AC)
Woah! I wanted to take some time to run through a differential.
1. New or old? Hepatic panel 4 months ago was normal aside from mild alk phos 🔼
2. Hepatocellular vs Cholestatic process- This is hepatocellular pattern predominately although Tbili is elevated
3. Degree of elevation

Both toxin and ischemia have 🔼AST/ALT ratio initially (has to due to due with expression of AST in mitochondria) However, AST has a quick ½ life, so will fall quickly.
Which comorbidity is most associated with the development of ischemic hepatitis?
In one study ( PMID 9600366 ),incidence of L HF (88.2%), right HF (67.6%), COPD (58.8%), and chronic renal failure (55.9%).
Another study (PMID: 10967151) 94% had R-sided HR