Interesting interview published today on CNBC with Anders Tegnell. It gives another example of Tegnell’s disconnect with reality and of how FHM’s fundamental strategy of protecting the elder was a blatant, conscious lie to make swedes feel better about the strategy (1/4)👇
1st, the disconnect with reality. According to Tegnell they have kept society open without huge effects. 3000 death are not large enough. Disregarding the death toll is a recurrent topic in Tegnell’s speech (2/4)
2nd, the lie that the strategy involved protecting the elder at all. He admits that, when it comes to avoiding deaths in nursing homes, doing something different probably would not make a difference. There was no plan nor strategy whatsoever to do so, it was an obvious lie (3/4)
In a recent interview in FT Anders Tegnell pointed at differences between Sweden and other Nordic countries regarding migrant backgrounds and crowded housing; to indirectly excuse Sweden’s much higher death toll vs its neighbors. Not very convincing when looking at data 👇🧵
Regarding crowded housing, differences are very small across Nordic countries, only Finland seems to have a small ”advantage” (figures for 2020)
Differences are bigger vs other countries in Europe, especially in the South, were avg. persons/household are ~2.5 and people living alone represent lower parts of population ~10-15% (Spain 10% for instance).
El Gato Malo @boriquagato is another Twitter Covid19 denier account and the author of probably the biggest fail in this topic 👇
But let’s save that one for the end and go through a few other good examples first, to give more context and show how, as many other deniers, he loves to make grandiose statements that sound like absolute truths... until reality happens.
As a good denier his first mission was to make it clear the virus no more dangerous than a typical flu. He added his touch by comparing it to a squirrel. Bravo!
The ultimate compilation of Michael Levitt fails about Covid19. Follow me on this journey of destruction of reputation earned with a Nobel prize. 👇
First, I need to clarify that he has acknowledged many fails in a cute manner, claiming that making errors is key to science. But as you will see all his errors are always on the same side (play down the dangers of virus), so rather than science it looks like agenda pushing.
Let’s start with the most famous one: on July 25th he says Covid19 will be over in US in 30d with 20K more deaths than the 150K we had back then. 70d later (Oct 3rd) there was still excess mortality and 64K more deaths. Errors confirmed and growing.…
Based on the age profile of the new Covid19 cases reported every week in Sweden; and combined with a couple of assumptions to overcome data limitations, how could these cases translate into deaths in the near future? 👇
We know that age is probably one of the most important factors when it comes to translating Covid19 case curves into death curves. If only young people get infected we can have plenty of cases but zero deaths.
The Swedish FHM doesn’t report details on each case individually but every day they update the case and death count by age group. With that history and an assumption on case-to-death report delay (4 weeks for example) we can see how the CFR for each age has evolved over time.
How many deaths could have been avoided if the downward slope of daily Covid19 deaths in Sweden had been steeper?
We often hear Sweden was helpless in the beginning as the virus took off exponentially. So let’s forget about that and look only at what happened after the peak.
In a previous analysis we counted how many days it took different European countries to go from peak to 40%, 30%, 20% and 10% of peak value.
Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor is a youtuber that has been wrong many times about Covid19, here are some examples of his fails and contradictions #FailEmperor
When he highlights the importance of empirical evidence but then downplays it when it comes to prove his theories
When he used to say at the end of June that there would be no more Covid19 deaths in the US...