11:31am: not big crowd for a statewide-hyped event (vid shown from stndpnt of speaker stage)
For anyone doubting how much anti-vaccine activists behind this, most stage speakers affiliated w/ Freedom Angels grp 1/n
-Lots of talk playing up arrests last event, blame on cops (but trying to show them support, saying they feel Gov. put them up to it)
-107.9 FM broadcasting this FB feed too according to FB video
-Admit the turnout "on smaller side"
-Battling claims that event was cancelled
Event using lots of Nazi reference and oppressor hyperbole:
-Big Pic of Gov w/Hitler 'stache
-Accusing "Furor Newsom" for putting up barricades, ordering "troops," putting "snipers" on roof
-Freedom Angels claim they have their own "protection" (vet who served in Fallujah)
-Police wearing masks today (great!), but Freedom Angels (FA hereafter) expressing pity on them for being forced to wear them
-Mention of Del Bigtree, Dr. Courtney Williams
-Eating up news presence (but trashing stations they feel don't cover them favorably to their eyes)
-Trying to argue most cops are on their side
-"Del Bigtree sent the Highwire" (unclear but seems Dr. Courtney Williams guy he sent) Anyone know about him? Never heard of him.
-Donation pitch: "Money is just an exchange of energy"
-Encouraging ppl to add their org as an acct
-keep emphasizing $3 donation size. Unsure why that specific amt
-"Your $3 went to help buy those bathrooms (port-a-potties)"
-mention of partnering with "small businesses" but no specifics
-pushing 508c1A status: "ministry"(?)
-claim they work w/govt's across the nation
-Fetzer present, doing interviews
-salon owner just pushed opening up and downplaying risk ("almost zero"), expressed support for Freedom Angels; shows how Freedom Angel/other anti-vaccine groups use such events to stay relevant
-hyping J. Mikovits on the radio
Lots of police talk doublespeak & anti-Newsom language (shelter in place protest or just anti-Newsom?)
-showing police presence and tut-tutting for their presence in crowd of "children" and "handicapped"
-"Newsom is using this force inappropriately"
-"Gavin is ordering this"
-Correction to first tweet in this thread. Unclear from FB vid feed if crowd was at 1130am or earlier. But overall, still a rather small event from everything I've seen and what they have even admitted.
-Given attendees popping into vid to comment, seems many not fitting anti-vax activism profile. Middle aged or older, no kids, couples/male, then work, business closures, COVID19=nothingburger-type comments.
-relig. comments shows FA courting religious conservative types
-Line very much blurred betwn anti-measures & anti-Newsom; Trojan horse for anti-Newsom rally?
-Speaker pushing how OC is a GOP Cnty
-criticizing Newsom's non-COVID19's efforts
-big scaremongering wrt state over-reach re: case tracking
-Nazi allusion immediately follows
-Speaker Leigh Dundas really dislikes the gov. Screamed into mic. Attorney w/Advocates for Physician Rights anti-vax group skepticalraptor.com/skepticalrapto…
-Born in the USA follows (why is this song always wrongly used?)
-Next Dr. Courtney Williams--seems a pastor based on speech
-Dundas kept using "Nothingburger" in criticizing gov's policies validating my past use of sci denialists' stance as "COVID=nothingburger"
-Williams' takes on history, def's of communism & socialism off, but fact not exactly a strong suit motivating the rally anyhow
-Now the rally shows its right wing side: Williams trashing state giving money to undeserving and hurting the deserving
-"It's not racist"... uh... oh...
-Past 5 mins. of speech made me forget this a COVID19-measure rally vs. an anti-Newsom rally
-"We need to stretch the muscle of freedom"?
-Jesus, freedom, etc. interwoven in various sentences.
-praise music singalong follows
-FA Heidi claiming son born blind and can see
Thought: view from stage shows small crowd. Wonder if the religion/prayer day angle undermined things and limited turnout. Lots of Jesus talk at this one.
-Pastor Tim now citing scripture in trying to argue we are being deceived by government. I may be wrong but think he is a Riverside cop who moonlights as a pastor.
-Basically now just witnessing to crowd ("consequence to our sin")
-Trying to tie freedom to the word of God
-Communion now being passed out. So much for inclusion of Jews, Muslims, and others.
-protestor sign visible that actually says: "The Bill Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail"
-God, conspiracy theory, vaccine science denialism, libertarianism wrapped up in one package.
-Looked at Freedom Angels FB posts--flooded w/ Jesus/Christian comments. New followers or just showing heavy religious side of this anti-vaccine network?
-Interesting to consider all this given Dundas/her anti-vax org linked to Church of Scientology whyweprotest.net/threads/is-sci…
-Past few mins all abt relig. (not COVID, not govt)
-Now back to Freedom Angels (all 3 on stage, no Red, White, Blue attire this time interestingly, as that's their thing)
-Playing up arrests "What (Gov. did) was treasonous"
-not one comment yet abt vaccines in all this vid
-Take a look at banner of Freedom Angels' FB page, today's vids show sincerity, but clearly trying to expand out their brand beyond anti-vaccine stuff--they're not letting a good crisis go to waste, as they say.
Never liked that song as a Catholic School kid & it clearly never grew on me after all these years.
This covers my tweets up to Dundas speech (some of my tweet comments out of time sequence w/vid): facebook.com/FreedomAngelsF…
Dundas speech onward here: facebook.com/FreedomAngelsF…