It's half time, folks ♥️😊
Time to continue talking about Indie games & our hopes that they will solve racism.
Today: "Precarity and Why Indie Game Developers Can’t Save Us from Racism" by @ssrauy…
Note: The data is different from yesterday: No industry statistics but a qualitative, narrative look at North American game dev culture. What do devs think, hope, expect?
We already encountered this hope yesterday, it's quite common:
The question is why then are Indies demographically similar to AAA?
Diversity is still perceived as a risk.
This logic creates real pressures for Indies.
It often puts the responsibility for solving racism on the shoulders of those most affected by it. Devs of colour are most likely to do (unpaid) ‘diversity’ labour.
“Responsibility for contesting racism in games is offloaded from relatively powerful AAA developers and publishers to relatively powerless indie developers.”
The ‘industry lore' that Indies are creative ironically harms indies.
1) it downplays the precariousness of Indies
2) it burdens Indies with the responsibility to “fix” a broken industry
3) it lets AAA empires off the hook, framing them as incapable of structural change
Rooting for Indies to save us pressures them into inclusion labour which reinforces oppression.
The root of the problem is the “racial logic of capital”. AAA must change this.