a) That the purpose of 2A was to give individuals the right to own guns, or to protect the populous from a tyrannical govt;
c) With our cowboy culture, guns in private hands have been common, until modern liberals started passing gun control laws. Those laws are a recent invention.
Part 1 - The Original Purpose of 2A was to Suppress Slaves
Part 2: The long History of State and Federal Gun Control Laws
Part 3: Supreme Court Gub Cases & the Total Absurdity of the One that Changed the Meaning of 2A (Heller (2008))
Warren Burger, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, in 1991
Guns were controlled for the majority of Englishmen at the time of our Revolution. We inherited a variety of gun restrictions from English Common Law.
The city of London banned gun ‘open carry’ entirely.
George Washington then folded these men into his army.
We need to rid ourselves of the ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’ mythology that local militias have ever played a significant role in American military history.
Mass’ stated a collective right: “The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence.”
NC and MD had identical wording: “That a well-regulated militia is the proper and natural defence of a free government.”
(Many do not know it, but Delaware and Maryland had slaves.)
SC’s did not mention guns; but it had no bill of rights until after the Civil War. The right to bear arms “for the common defense” was added then.
Neither it, nor any part of the Virginia Constitution or Declaration, makes any mention an individual right to own guns.
And note:
So, what were these militias protecting against?
Also, British generals sought to use the slaves against the rebels. The worst of those was John Murray, Earl of Dunmore, the British governor of Virginia,
2. How could the 2008 Heller Supreme Court case have gotten the original intent so wrong? They were much more concerned with their ideology than with truth.
End,part I
We have such organizations – the National Guard.
But it also opined that private citizens had no right to form even a well-regulated militia, unless it was controlled by Federal or state militia laws:
Many states passed laws against guns. 27 states enacted measures to restrict or outlaw the sale and possession of fully automatic weapons prior by the end of Prohibition,
In 1934, the national government passed its first gun control law, the National Firearms Act of 1934. It heavily taxed machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, and mandated a national registry of such guns.
This was the “law of the land” for the next 69 years.
In 1972, the ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) was established to enforce these laws.
So, clearly there was never any Constitutional right to own guns for whatever purpose.
Cruikshank (1876) -– unanimous - "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution.”
Presser (1886) –– unanimous - The purpose of 2A was to prepare Americans for war. Private militia groups were prohibited.
Prinz (1997) – (5-4) The Feds could not command the states to assist them, but otherwise Federal gun control was legal.
As the GOP became more ideological & extremist, our government began betraying the American people.
In 2005, perhaps Congress’s most corrupt and deadly betrayal of the public safety, gun manufacturers were protected from civil liability, as tobacco companies has been.
End, part II.
We have seen above that this is pure nonsense.
(This is akin to saying because driving is legal, and speeding is common, speeding is protected.)
Therefore, machine guns could be prohibited. Which means that, if machine guns were common in our society, then they would be legal.
(1) Robert J. Spitzer, Gun Law History in The United States and Second Amendment Rights
(Paper in the Duke Law Scholarship Repository) © 2017 p. 63-64. Last accessed 5/9/2020
Last accessed 5/9/20.
(4) Ibid. (p. 63-64).
historynewsnetwork.org/article/159513 Last accessed 5/8/20.