This is the buzz word in our stock market since the DHFL fiasco happened. Everybody in the market learnt a new keyword: ALM aka Asset Liability Management. Let's understand the concept of ALM in detail.
What are Assets for the banks?
The loans given by banks to its customers.
The deposits received by bank in form of FD and the money raised by issuing bonds and NCD's in the market.
Now these assets and liabilities are nothing but the future cash inflows (assets) and future cash outflows (liabilities).
1) Gap Analysis: This method is used to asses the Interest rate risk or liquidity risk on the Rate sensitive assets (RSA) and Rate sensitive liabilities (RSL).
GAP is basically the difference between RSA & RSL (GAP = RSA-RSL). The mismatch can be positive or neagtive.
Negative (Liability>Asset): The bank can finance by borrowing from various sources (money market, Repos etc).
Longer the duration, Higher the sensitivity of instrument/loan to the interest rate changes.
1) Read ALM & ALCO section of NBFC's/Bank's in Annual Report.
2) Check investors presentation of companies to find this data.
by @RJGyanchandani & @adi2five