UK had 50,000 more deaths than usual in March & April vs 27,000 reported Covid deaths at the time
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Deaths in March & April were:
• 66% higher than usual in England
• +55% in Scotland
• +42% in Wales
• +34% in Northern Ireland
New story today from @ChrisGiles_ on UK excess deaths:…

This is 63% higher than the number of Covid deaths reported in these countries at the time.
Data for all countries:…
Today’s @ONS number can’t be compared to other countries, so definitive answer here will come from excess deaths.
Right now, impossible to say if UK is worst in Europe, as Italy has only published March excess deaths.
India & Mexico are our top targets, but any country is appreciated.
Ideally daily, weekly or monthly data, for multiple years, and including 2020. Can be for one town or city, not just nationally.
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