The unending cruelty and wanton destruction of lives and property of Southern Kaduna communities continued last night

SOKAPU visited the village today around 12 noon and saw firsthand the horror inflicted on the poor
The armed Fulani militia stroke around 11:30pm. They broke into the home of Jonathan Yakubu, 40 and slaughtered him. They also killed his wife, Sheba Yakubu 32,
We met relations of the Yakubu’s who were sobbing beyond consolation in front of the humble Yakubu had built.
But 6 year old John Paul was not lucky as he was hacked to death.
Also killed were Asanalo Magaji 32, and Yayo Magaji 13.
Paul Bawa, 27 and Rahila, 25, his wife were butchered in their homes.
In total, no fewer than 17 persons were murdered in cold blood for no apparent reason by persons who the villagers indentified as Fulani. 6 people are now receiving treatments in various hospitals.
Their Fulani neighbors, some who have been living around the community for 40 years had all quietly left in the night before the attack.
There were no single security personnel in the village.
It is therefore clear that while Kaduna State Government is enforcing the lockdown against COVID-19 with all its might,
We call on all men and women of conscience, groups, organizations and the international
Sign: Luka Binniyat
National Public Relations Officer