The phrase basically suggests that it's easier to build a smaller Co than a unicorn. And it poo poos the hard work it takes to build ANY business.
The reality is that building a smaller Co is often F***ING hard work - sometimes *even harder* than building a large Co and here's why:
As in, the customer acq is so cheap and easy, you have to operationally serve your customer but worry less about cust acq.
(And serve them)
Some say “The unit econ are not working. I am going to raise a lot of $$ & pour $$ into this.”
Others say, “The unit econ are not working. I am going into organic growth & will do this on the side.”
And when you taper out, some pull back and grow slowly.
Others implode the biz w VC $$ that goes nowhere.
But no one aims to end up w a co that tapers off. That’s just bad luck.