In the name of transparency, we are going to list every single of of those senators here...
1. @SenJohnBarrasso
2. @MarshaBlackburn
3. @RoyBlunt
4. @JohnBoozman
5. @SenatorBurr
6. @SenCapito
7. @SenSusanCollins
8. @JohnCornyn
9. @SenTomCotton
10. @SenatorFischer
11. @LindseyGrahamSC
12. @SenHydeSmith
13. @JimInhofe
14. @RonJohnsonWI
15. @SenatorLankford
16. @senatemajldr McConnell
17. @sendavidperdue
18. @senrobportman
19. @SenPatRoberts
20. @MittRomney
21. @marcorubio
22. @SenShelby
23. @SenJohnThune
24. @SenThomTillis
25. @SenToomey
26. @SenatorWicker
27. @SenToddYoung
1. @SenatorCarper
2. @SenBobCasey
3. @SenFeinstein
4. @SenatorHassan
5. @DougJones
6. @timkaine
7. @JoeManchinWV
8. @SenatorShaheen
9. @MarkWarner
10. @SenWhitehouse
“The warrantless collection of Americans’ web browsing history offers endless opportunities for abuse." – @RonWyden…