We argue that covid-19 and seasonal influenza statistics have been incorrectly compared.
We show data as to why covid-19 is FAR deadlier 1/

Seasonal flu deaths are *estimated using algorithms* Those estimates appear to overstate the case.
But it’s also becoming clear that covid-19 is (currently) being *undercounted*.
That’s right. Covid19 killed 20x more Americans in one week in April than flu does at its worst week
So people will say those are undercounted too.
We get that.
But we disagree with the logic that this means flu is as bad as the stats suggest.
Why? Flu as a cause of death also can appear with other causes of death.
Meanwhile, I believe that for the moment at least covid-19 is undercounted. Why?
Excess deaths.
We have more deaths in so many states across the nation than we ever see.
Look at 2009 H1N1. A pandemic year!
You can’t even tell anything unusual occurred when you compare all cause death numbers of that period to the years before and after!
Not true of covid-19.
@CarlosdelRio7 and I wrote about this in @PostOpinions @washingtonpost last week. See washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
These are clearly mostly Covid19 deaths.

Nope. Not the reason.
Suicides are not known to be up.
Same for lots of other common killers.
And we don’t save as many lives with our care as we might like to imagine.
Yes Type I heart attacks are lower than usual. That’s concerning. They’re happening at home.
But the numbers wouldn’t add up
There’s no math I’ve seen to suggest otherwise. So suggest otherwise is pure drivel, so far.
To be fair, that COULD change in the future.
It just hasn’t yet.
Ask an oncologist.
They’ll tell you that we don’t see droves of people dying more on such a time frame like this because of missed care.
Again, down the road, we could see increases in cancer deaths if people don’t seek care.
Tons are dying from Covid19 now.
Very few if any are dying a lot more than usual from other causes of death.
So far, the shutdown is saving lives, and tens of thousands or more, not costing them.
We are probably still OVERCOUNTING influenza.
Comparing them is only valid if you compare counts to counts.
While all covid deaths are required to be counted (and not all flu deaths are), it’s clear that covid is far worse
It isn’t.
It’s far worse.
20x is what we measured so far.
But it’ll be likely be worse, when we see this going on for longer and can compare not just peak weeks but months at a time.