I class
used twice
1st I class 0-4-0T built 1873 Neilson and Company for NZ.
SAR acquired in 1879. Only one was given #38 and then #48 when allocated to I class c.1887.
SAR I class, no.38
As still #38 this is c. 1880s before 1887.

I48 (38) was used at Morgan for shunting until c. 1906 when sold for outer Harbour Breakwater construction. Withdrawn 1909 and scrapped.

Acquired by SAR 1910. Previously worked a private line in Victoria, then to SA for use on the works at Outer Harbor.
Built 1888 Beyer, Peacock and Company.
SAR #161

@SLSA collections collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/resource/PRG+2…
The loco that was to become I161 SAR at work!
Marvellous photograph.

Used for shunting Port Adelaide wharves & yards till 1929, scrapped 1930.
The busy wharf Port Adelaide c. 1924
@SLSA collections collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/resource/B+4280
Ship is SS Zealandia served as troop ship WW1 & 2
sunk in Darwin harbour 19 Feb 1942.