1. Don't shake them, your baby is not a tambourine
2. Don't kiss them
3. Don't put mentholatum on them
4. They should sleep on their backs, not face down
5. Don't give babies honey. Very important.
6. Wash your hands before carrying a baby
They also have weak neck muscles causing their heads to move freely
Shaking a baby causes the brain to hit the insides of the skull over and over again
Basically beating the brain. It doesn't recover easily.
Sometimes honey can contain bacteria that produces toxins that can cause muscle weakness and breathing problems.
This is known as infant botulism and can be very serious.
Put them on their backs to sleep, this helps reduce the chances of Sudden infant death syndrome
Babies can be placed on their stomach when they are awake and playing and somebody is watching them
pillow-like crib bumpers in your baby’s sleep area, and keep all those items away from your baby’s face.
They should also not sleep on adult mattresses or sofas, only in their cribs
This prevents Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
I know they're cute. But please...
Don't put camphor around newborn babies, it could damage blood cells and lead to jaundice
Don't use mentholatum on babies, it could also cause jaundice
If you think they are cold, wrap them