Visa's EBIT margin: 65%
Mastercard's EBIT margin: 56%
American Express EBIT margin: 20%
To crystallize this, we can break down Amex's discount revenue further...
For Amex, net interest income makes up 21% of net revenue.
But it's really the merchants who account for most of an issuing bank's revenue.
The merchants pay the issuing bank for the right to take a card.
Then the banks went to merchants and said "you should accept this plastic thing and pay us b/c people want to use it."
The problem is that this creates a harder time for Amex to partner with other financial institutions. But in turn, it has more control over the account holder's experience.
We send out two posts every month for the price of [insert low-priced thing you spend money on that really isn't a fair comparison here].