Introducing: Weird A.I. Yankovic!
Runs on Google Colab:…

That means that if you want to use it, you don’t have to find and prepare a specialized dataset to try a particular song, or worry about it not learning.
1) writing a near-rhyme detector. Turns out there is no set definition for near-rhymes. Work by @gh_marjan was instrumental
2) Controlling neural language models.
But I could pick the rhyme for the next line. The problem then became how to continue from the previous line but end in a chosen word...
And it also has to generate a line with a given number of syllables. Well that just requires a lot of sampling...
I wrote a sampler that combines logit sampling (beams), heuristics, & custom scoring functions.
Most folks focus on the encoder & decoder that make up the model but forget the importance of the sampler