Her Haughtiness vs Parents Legitimate Concerns

make this statement about the belief of cohort community the school is supposed to serve ?
Her mission statement is clear in
2019 this belief of 3 Abrahamic faiths should not exist
Reframe the narrative once her words, actions observed
Shrinking Violet that she is
Illegally misrepresenting the EA2010 by both protest schools has her backing
She lobbied to get Gender Identity into EA2010

A infiltrator who is in Watsapp groups collects intelligence
& edits a video evidence of homophobic comments on social media
add guest speaker Imam's comments, later protesters apologise
Whip a Frenzy
Another scene & Act we will explore the extremism narrative how creatively it is pushed
Add the Daytime TV regular 'Counter Extremism' Tsar Khan
We must focus on the religious far right
but the leadership is never presented in anything but the 'Equality Superheroes & Saviours of the LGBT ' frame
Bit of a theme going on here methinks
Jess Phillips MP, soul sista to Trevor who helped write the EA2010 & she lobbied for Gender Identity, who othered these people.
'The homophobes, backward
as they whip the nation up,
Her Haughtiness address PM Boris & Education Secretary Gavin as subjects at her feet
Using Prevent strategy, terrorism acts against 4 yr olds.
Using 'Daytime TV Counter Terrorism Tsar' Khan as embellishment
Using Slim Shadys's Ofsted & Muscular Liberalism tactics
Using MSM to frame parents
to Interrogate/disrupt/interrupt/ eliminate/eradicate/completely smash heteronormativity in babies
Frame Human Rights to belief & raise your kids in your beliefs
as phobic
As she lies through her teeth
Othering her cohort community and lauded by all
I see the backlash on social media & the xenophobic comments unleashed
Newsnight missed those comments
Social media say," these Muslims want to have Shariah taught in curriculum "
DfE guidelines
Human Rights Law
Parents Rights
British Values all framed as phobic by Queer Theory
John for winning the world-wide Super Injunction that Birmingham CC tried to take away our freedom of speech
to back Stonewall royalty
Those parents lost in court
Court of Public Opinion was deceived
Our kids loss
Real Tragedy