I spoke about problems - identifying them, analyzing them, & trialing management strategies. This process is similar whether it is coaches working with athletes, or a *new way of thinking* struggling to find acceptance

It is often said that knowledge is cumulative – improving our understanding and our knowledge with each passing generation.
Until it isn’t
And to a large extent, this is accurate.
The football players he was working with in the late ‘00s didn’t seem to improve their playing abilities, despite them getting bigger, stronger, and faster.
For a decade, Shawn was working on the WRONG PROBLEM.

Shawn’s problem was to get NFL players to play better
That does not mean that JB’s problem or Shawn’s problem is MY problem. Or your problem
They encountered their set of problems - & developed their own methods of dealing with them
@MovementMiyagi didn’t just straight up copy what Bernstein and Gibson were doing, per se.
We steal from these OTHERS’ ideas to help define our own.
No single part of the car can do that.
It begins with thinking in systems.
It is the CONTENT of a thing.
It is the CONTEXT of a thing.
Rather, their interaction is lively and complex
Thanks for reading, and thanks again to @MovementMiyagi for asking me to present, and to all in his community for all they do to challenge traditional thought #SMSC2020