Last class.
400 class 4-8-2+2-8-4 Beyer Garratts
10 built 1952/53
Société Franco-Belge, Raismes, France under licence from Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd, Gorton, UK
Road numbers 400–409
407 Peterborough c. 1953
@SLSA collections…

402 Peterborough 1962…

402 Zig Zag Railway
409 NRM Port Adelaide
remaining Garratts condemned by 1970, scrapped
Locomotive 409. Douglas Colquhoun Collection, National Railway Museum.…

S.A. Garratt 409 to Peterborough & 406 to Black Rock & Terowie 1968
Steam to the Siver City & Menindee NSW Tour 1968 Part 1