A phone call and a bribe to get reelected. That's OK
Openly threatens witnesses, employees. That's OK
Purges the government of all who dared do their jobs that happened to go against him. That's OK.
Purges all oversight, installs loyalists to protect him. That's
Interferes with court cases of friends. That's OK
Get's Barr to dismiss cases against Russia. That's OK.
Openly calls for armed insurrection against Governors. That's OK.
Plays favorites with GOP states for PPE. That's OK
Appoints son in law to run a shadow CV-19 task force.
Refuses to take responsibility for PPE supply chain to all States. States have to bid against each other. That's OK
PPE supply goes from Feds to commercial distributors, to be given to the highest bidder. That's OK
Refuses to coordinate testing and tracing nationwide.
Cuts funding to the WHO in the middle of a pandemic crisis. That's OK
Decides not to warn America about CV-19 because it would affect his poll numbers. That's OK
Interferes with CDC sharing information that might affect his poll numbers. That's OK
Allows the Senate to access records regarding Biden and Ukraine, when it blocked all records in the impeachment proceedings. That's OK
Withholds funding to Dem govs
His AG consolidates all Trump related cases under his control. That's OK
All of this court cases ascend to the SC, delayed for years, with those cases being delayed till after the election. That's OK.
His AG torpedoes the Mueller Report in an official letter stating exoneration on all charges before the report is published.
Dismisses science and data openly on TV, promotes unproven medicines, saying they are safe. "Take it!" That's OK
Dismisses his own intelligence services, Military leaders on live TV. That's OK
Trashes most international treaties, openly attacks NATO. Promotes Russia
Has Kushner in charge of Middle East Peace. That's OK
Openly allows MBS to murder & dismember an American reporter. Says oil is more important. That's OK
Refuses access to financial spending at all of his properties.
Dismisses "locker room" talk on tape about sexual assaults on women, "grab them by the pussy.....they just let you do it" That's OK
Openly, often, promotes his properties, tried to get the G7 summit to the head of the line over vetted properties. That's OK
Openly, repeatedly attacks Democratic
Attacks impeachment witness and intimidates other witnesses in Stone, Manafort, Cohen trials. That's OK
Lies under oath in Russia investigation. That's OK
Openly, repeatedly accuses Joe and Hunter Biden of crimes.
Lies about people he "doesn't know" and things he did not say, in public, when there are public statements showing otherwise. That's OK
Allows a pandemic to spread across the country, unchecked, for two months, while underplaying the danger, dismissing warnings.
100,000 people lost in a preventable genocide, millions suffering. He says his numbers are strong. That's OK.
He pushes to open the country right away, saying that we have won the battle against the virus. When all the experts say otherwise. That's OK.
Reporting and books show clear proof of corruption, collusion, conspiracy, bizarre behavior, obstruction of justice. That's OK
Openly calls for Russia to hack Hillary's emails. That's OK.
Praises Wikileaks on live TV. That's OK.
And the list goes on and on and on. The point is that the @GOP has chosen to keep this horrible, corrupted, deceitful, vengeful broken man as their
Their only path to even partial vindication would be to convene the