When you hear the rich talking about useless subjects and "practical skills," they are expressing madharao for YOU. Do you think Margaret of Beyond Zero is taking her kids to a TVET? You think that stupidity is for others and not you? #WajingaNyinyi
Then when KEPSA repeats what Delamere said about you nyeuthis, you dance and demand TVET. #WajingaNyinyi
I kept saying that accepting CBC is being a sheep led to the slaughter, lakini mkakubali matokeo.
Hamko pamoja. They will tupa you when they crushed your kids' youth in the system and it's too late to start again. #WajingaNyinyi
It means that registered professionals will be in Nairobi and they are the only ones State House will allow to give you services. So you'll be suffering g in counties 1 to 46 without professionals because they're all in Nairobi, and too expensive.