This is about the scandal that first earned Shkreli the title "Pharma Bro" -- price jacking the drug Daraprim.
An attorney for the FTC says that he is "not optimistic" that he will be able to make progress on settlement discussions.
"We're always open to further discussions," he said.
The parties recently filed motions to dismiss.
The parties did not seek the talks.
Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger is presiding today.
It's "very premature" to have a settlement conference "that will yield anything highly productive.
He may want to hold individual separate sessions with each side. There may be "multiple, lengthy sessions."
Casey is discussing the possibility of having him join in a telephone conference in the future.
He hopes to be able to have in-person meetings in the future.
"We'll just have to see how that goes."
"The commission takes seriously the recommendations that come from me," Meier says, adding that he cannot guarantee the political appointees' approval.
"We would be in La La Land," he says.
The upshot: No deal yet, and various obstacles on a deal, both pandemic-related and potentially political.
Plus, recently history shows, Shkreli is not known for a reputation of going down quietly.
Story ahead.