What will it take for @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @RepAdamSchiff @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats to pull
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke
This must be the time for resolute action, regardless of political fallout. We DEMAND that Congress immediately push forward with impeachment of a man
This is happening in America, right now! Immediate action is the only way out of this swirling spiral that is taking the nation to a dictatorship, controlled by untold riches in the hands of a select oligarchy.
We call on the Democratic Congress to save us from certain doom
It really is that black and white. Impeachment, or a plunge into totalitarianism. Removal of a malignant tyrant, or allowing his malignancy to metastasize across the land. The resurgence of balanced government, or
If the Democrats do not step up with strong voices, like those men who dared to challenge the British King and establish our bold experiment in Democracy, then they will go down in history as cowards, unwilling