but this thread is really for Big Sector friends (health, growth, educ, livelihoods)
The first proper political study I commissioned examined a proposal to mitigate arsenic contamination in water supplies.
It concluded that the planned institutional reforms were politically unfeasible.
The report was unpopular. So was I.
Ground rules:
i. analytical framework clear up front (i.e. not freestyle political description)
ii. by bona fide political researchers (not sector experts moonlighting)
But governance gut feeling was that fresh eyes & strong pol skills were more important, & the pol ppl would anyway draw on sector specialists.
Commissioning pol analysis & sharing it can lose you friends. But so can commissioning & acting on it, but not sharing it.
Research is by nature public (so everyone can love it, hate it, but at least debate it).
But not if the only ppl who read it are other pol researchers.
..and it does not cost much, particularly when compared with the sector budgets at stake– regardless of whether they are funded through taxation or via aid.
The cost of commissioning political research is usually a fraction of sector programme investments.
Live example: £130,000 political economy research (with data collection) identified serious pol corruption constraint in sector with >$1Bn investment.
Q: worth it ?
But there is still too little of it about, with areas of policy & development spending untroubled by decent, practical pol research. Supply of good research is constrained... and demand (from sectors) may be lower.
An awkward optional extra?
with echoes... <<yawn! not again!>> ...of the Kübler-Ross model of 5 stages of grief:
1.denial 2.anger 3.bargaining 4.depression 5.acceptance.
😀We political types suggest commissioning political research in key sector ‘X’ because years of investment do not seem to deliver change at the pace or scale intended (or something more sinister).
🤨Could something political be getting in the way?
as @hamarquette has said, we prefer to think of
<active political won't>

"Political research? No time for that / we don't need it.
We are experts - it is REALLY technically complicated.
I am sure that someone is doing this already.
No, I can’t name a particular study. Or a researcher”.
There is acceptance that <some> pol constraints are real, though rejection of others that make things look too broken.
Sector experts: “please can you buy us some more of that politics stuff?”.
Political research has broken through. Further research builds on this. Political researchers (& those commissioning it), get invited to more meetings (and even parties).
But I think that political research in #globaldev is always important - particularly in a crisis.
If your <big sector> in <your context> does not have applied political research - time to get some?