In fact multiple Ulema have wrote entire works on this topic. For example
Imām al-Suyūṭī in his Inba al-Azkiya bi Hayat al-Anbiya’
Alongside other scholars like Imām al-Bayhaqī, Imām ʿAbd al-Wahhāb ash-Shaʿrānī and Imām Ibn al-Qayyim in his book ‘al-Ruh (The Soul)
That said, Here is some evidence
“And say not of those who are martyred in the way of Allah, “they are dead”, nay, they are living, though you perceive it not” (Surah al-Baqarah, 154).
With Qur'ān verses we need the understanding of the scholars.
Shaykh al-Islām
“When the living of the martyrs is proven from the text of the Qur’ān, then this is also proven from an analogical point of view. And the Prophets are superior then the martyrs” (Fath al-Bari, 6/379).
“On the night of Isra, the Messenger of Allāhﷺ passed by the grave of Sayyiduna Musa عليه السلام
and found him performing Salat in his grave”
(Recorded by Imām Muslim in his Ṣaḥīḥ, and others).
“The Prophets are alive in their graves performing Salat”
(Recorded by al-Bayhaqī in his Hayat al-Anbiya’ and Abū Ya’la in his Musnad).
The above Ḥadīth has been authenticated by many Ḥadīth scholars, such as:
Aws ibn Aws narrates the Messenger of Allāhﷺ as saying:
“Send salutations in abundance on me on Friday, as your sending salutations are presented to me.” The Companions inquired:
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺsaid:
“Verily Allāh has made forbidden on the earth that it eats the bodies of the Prophets”
(Recorded by Abū Dāwūd, Nasa’i, Ibn Mājah
Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه narrates that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
“None of you greets me except that Allāh returns my soul on me until I return his greeting” (Musnad Aḥmad, 2/527 and
Anas ibn Malik narrates that the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
“The Prophets are not kept in their graves for more than forty nights, but they remain worshiping Allāh until the trumpet will be blown”
(Sunan al-Bayhaqī)
Essentially there is no doubt on The authenticity.
Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar al-Asqalani states: “Death will never come to the blessed Messenger of Allāhﷺ in his grave,
Imam al-Subkī رحمه الله states:
“It is from our beliefs that the Prophets are alive in their graves”. (Tabqat al-Shafi’iyya al-Kubra, 6/266
None of this work was done by me.
All credit is due to @Mufti_Muhammad_
BarakAllāhu Feekum ❤️