If COVID cases spike - and they will - I don't wanna hear one fkg person blame the protesters, and CERTAINLY not black folks.
Wanna blame someone? Blame Derek Chauvin and his 3 racist buds. Blame Greg and Travis McMichael. Blame Amy Cooper.
Blame our instigating president. Blame the apologists and everyone who took issue w/ the infinite forms of peaceful protest everyone tried before this.
To not let this go quietly and be forgotten like every human-life-turned-hashtag of the last 6 yrs.
THEY caused a COVID spike. Bc these folks would rather be home.
Oh. Wait. That's what the protest is for.
And guess what?
So I dont wanna hear a single word about the protests hurting you.
And trust me, I DO understand the fear.
Most came masked, gloved, calm and distanced. Many only failed to once shot at, gassed or run over.
Protesters are not to blame. Racism is. Murder is. Police brutality is. Injustice is.
Be DEVASTATED they even HAD to protest during a pandemic. Be sad tear gas was ever CONSIDERED amidst a pulmonary crisis. Be scared of the medical neglect they'll face.
And then, make sure you NEVER direct blame their way yourself. Direct it at the oppressors who caused this. They cost us all.
Remember who the real enemy is.