Tripura Congress Chief said there is "pressure from the party high command" to accommodate “members of the RSS” into Congress' decision-making body.…
Total 7 Gujarat Congress MLAs quit party after finalizing a DEAL to support BJP in Rajya Sabha elections.
Why is the existing not used & a personal brand named fund PM-CARES being used?
Sec 46 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, statutorily mandates the creation of the “National Disaster Response Fund”
Has this been operationalised? #ModiMadeDisaster
There is also a PM National Relief Fund. Why do we need a new “PM-CARES” fund? To get a catchy abbreviation? 🤐😳🙈
Let's dig in:
PMNRF has receipt generation, in existance for ages.
PM-CARES attempts at profiting out of disaster.
READ to understand: #ModiMadeDisaster
A study by "Cashless Consumer" reveals AACTP4637 Q is the PAN of PMNRF.
PMNRF also allows people to download receipts.
It didn't give a PAN for claiming 100% 80G exemption.
Remember, if there is no PAN, u can't claim IT exemption. #ModiMadeDisaster