Be aware that Dallas has implemented a 7pm Curfew that covers downtown Dallas, the Cedars, Deep Ellum, Uptown and Victory Park.
#DallasProtests #DallasProtest #dallascurfew
#DallasProtests #DallasProtest #DallasCurfew
#DallasProtests #DallasProtest #DallasCurfew
If you're going out tonight, be aware that the National Guard is out. Additionally, police are already stationed in Uptown. When I was provided this information, there were specifically 5 police vehicles at the Rustic.
#DallasProtest #DallasProtests
If you're going out, make sure you prep for all possible scenarios.

Arrests have begun in Uptown for curfew violations.
Some roads downtown can still be accessed by car, but armored vehicles are telling people to go home.
Unconfirmed reports of active shooter. I have not seen. No info if law enforcement or civilian.