• primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) - intrinsic parathyroid gland abnormality resulting in excessive PTH secretion
• PHPT diagnosed with blood tests (specifically Ca and PTH)

• Cure - surgical removal of abnormal parathyroid tissue (whether 1 gland or more than 1 gland)
• Image to LOCALIZE; inform surgeon's choice of operation
1) bilateral neck exploration (BNE) - original operation, involves surgeon's inspection of all parathyroid glands → removal of glands judged abnormal


• number, size, and location of candidate lesions
• your opinion of what each candidate lesion represents

• concurrent thyroid pathology
• arterial anomalies associated with 'nonrecurrent' laryngeal nerve (most often aberrant right subclavian; also right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian)