He decided that the British would not loosen control of India unless Indians themselves took direct and decisive action. He pursued only non-violent means of protest trib.al/ZY75IK8
Today’s debate in the U.S. over whether violence is ever acceptable in the fight for change is hardly a new one trib.al/ZY75IK8
✊🏾Earlier Black Lives Matter marches
🏈Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling
With video evidence on their side, they ask: “When we are non-violent, they hit us anyway. What’s the point?” trib.al/ZY75IK8
Non-violent protest can't be chosen by the weak. Dr. King said it is the only effective alternative to “cringing and submission” trib.al/ZY75IK8
Gandhi and King recognized that they needed to create demonstrations of moral superiority if they wanted to change minds trib.al/ZY75IK8
Of course, they understood the anger that leads to violence: Dr. King famously said that “a riot is the language of the unheard” trib.al/ZY75IK8
Violence “merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt” trib.al/ZY75IK8
Drama is key: It is through an obvious, dramatized contrast that the violence of the oppressor is delegitimized trib.al/ZY75IK8
49% of white Americans say that police are more likely to use excessive force against a black culprit, which is nearly double the number (25%) who said the same in 2016 trib.al/ZY75IK8
But Americans shouldn’t lose that opportunity. When the audience disappears, things get rapidly worse trib.al/ZY75IK8
Don’t allow Dr. King to be forgotten in the land of his birth trib.al/ZY75IK8