The @cityofhamilton warns you their meetings are webcast live on the City website. (This is the Joey Coleman warning)
Council is underway, @Chad_Collins5 has left his mic on, cutting in.
- public meetings during COVID
- transportation changes due to COVID
are both delayed until an unknown date.
Hamilton is apparently more complex than any other city in the world.
Whitehead says that "hand up" feature of the live video conference does not work for him.
He wants to be able to call privilege during the meeting.
He wants it on the agenda, Mayor says no. Back and forth ensures. Mayor keeping a tight rein on Whitehead.
Eisenberger says he can speak to City Manager later, after meeting.
Eisenberger cuts Whitehead off, tells him to vote. Whitehead votes against agenda.
Eisenberger retorts "Get on the speakers list, there is a process to this"
Whitehead goes back to his report issue, Eisenberger says he is not entertaining it.
Whitehead votes against minutes in protest.

Ferguson: concerned about cost of buss, if Metrolinx prices are too high, can the City opt-out?
Public Works: I think we can opt out.
HSR mgr: "there is opt-out cooling period" ... but there are rules
HSR mgr notes the City would have to staff up to run its own bids, and all bus prices are up from all suppliers.
If City joins Metrolinx and opts-out, City must use other bus company.
Ferguson says this is a problem, the marketplace only has one/two bidders for most things
HSR staff says that Public Health is best to ask as the future dependent upon social distancing needs.
What is staff's thoughts on fleet size?
PW GM: Yes, expects to be back to Council many times on transit between now and Nov.
We can opt-out is the theme, they are voting in favour because of this.
(For your Council BINGO card, sorry, they did not say "off-ramp")
This is not the new pipeline proposal. This expansion is for airport and Red Hill business park.
Both Wilson and staff note that Enbridge will have to go thru full process if they actually apply to expand pipe. This is preliminary
Wilson continues on "I have one more question" and asks it. Wilson cedes the floor.
Vanderbeek, similar questions about rural settlement areas if natural gas service is expanded.
Jay Keddy was fatally struck in a hit-and-run collision in Dec 2015 bicycling home upbound on the Claremont Access. He was a teacher at Prince of Wales School.
Most be complete by end of year.
Signage and design will be implemented to manage downhill speeds year round
Whitehead paying tribute to Jay Keddy.
Motion seeks staff report.
Partridge objects, says Area Rating matters should go to GIC.
Mayor notes recent complaints about long GIC meetings.
To Staff: How quickly will finance get info to Council?
Finance GM: next finance update (all city ops) June 15th
HSR deficit appears to be around $11-m in lower revenue.
Recommendations on cost containment and tax levers coming
Finance is answering the question, there will be a report "in a week or two", "Yes, as it relates to guidelines"
Public Works: "That is correct, but I don't recall a direction from the Province"
Clark uses the HSR as his regular means of getting to City Hall pre-COVID
From Finance GM's comments, it appears Council committees will resume on June 15. #yhmcc
Mayor Eisenberger: City is following current policies, Area Rating Review Cmte cannot presently meet.
City of Hamilton owns the land, leases to Burlington, Burlington maintains, operators, pays Hamilton $1 per year
1) It would cost six figures to go to LPAT
2) The Minister of Municipal Affairs will intervene long before that happens.
To say nothing of the Hamilton staff time involved.
Merulla says he wants to push Burlington to make a better offer to Hamilton.
(I did research on this pre-COVID, this is from @HamiltonLibrary archives)

"Obviously, you care more about Burlington accessing this park than you do about the taxpayers who've been screwed over .. in Hamilton"
Eisenberger says Whitehead is off-topic.
Clr Nann supports, it a strength to add SPRC to Task Force.
Mayor Eisenberger
Now motions for Clr. Ferguson and Partridge to step off the Task Force.
They are added.
Then closed session
After closed session, vote on allowing Hamilton Bike Share to operate bike share.
Ferguson yells at Mayor, waves papers at camera.
15-0, Vanderbeek absent.
"Without costing taxpayers a cent"
"In the end, we are in a very very important place"
"No cost to the taxpayers .. that is what I heard in that defeat a week ago .. which inspired me ... at no cost to the taxpayers"
They did an excellent job, Clark's family donated to the cause. Clark praises the community.
Ferguson is concerned that Bike Share may not have funds.
Farr reminds they've added the funds listed by HSBI will be used for operations.
Farr says the motion has been amended to include this.
This is "terrific" news that Hamilton Bike Share Inc is able to step in to run municipal bike share.
"A massive thank you to Councillor Farr"
Thank you to everyone who rolled up their sleeves, thank you to Clr Farr for your work on this.
Thank you to the community for funding the solution to keep bike share running.
Takes issue with Whitehead's statements against Wilson. "I'm sick and tired of it"
Closes thanking all the people who did the work on bike share.
On policy, want to be clear that where bike share is successful it has municipal funding support.
I supported this last week, good work by the inner-city Councillors. Says bike share is a civil good, wants it to succeed and be able to expand this.
Praises Farr for "saving this"
Says the community should toast Farr and those who did the crowdfunding.
The reason I voted no last week was that I didn't have enough information. I wanted to vote yes, but "none of the figures matched".
"We need an expansion" of Bike Share, says she is excited.
She wants the public to know that all the Councilors who voted know had their reasons. We have to work together for the betterment of our city.
City lawyer: It will be "weeks" for legal contracts to be done, signed, it is a priority for City legal, hope to have contract by next week.
GM PED, Jason Thorne: Top priority, doing everything they can
Thank you for following along.